






  • 2020年度、センター試験に代わる「大学入学共通テスト」が導入される。
  • 英語では、従来のマーク式テスト(リーディング、リスニング)に加え、「書く」「話す」を加えた4技能を評価するようになる。
  • 「書く」「話す」スキルについては、民間テスト(英検、IELTS、TOEIC等8種類)で評価する


  • 受験機会の公平性を欠く(例えば経済的に困難な学生や遠隔地に住む学生にとって不利)
  • 民間テストはそれぞれ異なった能力を測っているため、互換性はない


【東大の基本方針by 福田副学長】

  • 受験者にはCEFRのA2レベルを要求する……↓
  • ……が、民間試験のスコア提出を必須とはしない
  • 学生にいずれかを求める:①民間テストスコアを提出/②学校の調査書/③いずれも用意できない場合は、その理由書


  • 最初は「4技能を測定・民間試験の導入」に賛成だったが、視野が狭かった
  • 不利な状況におかれる生徒がいる事まで想定できず、恥ずかしく思った(I felt ashamed)
  • 今は、調査を経て、全ての学生が平等にテストを受けられるような、東大のような措置が望ましいと思う
  • また、英検・TOEICTOEFL・IELTSを受けた自身の経験から、実感として「どれも全く違う能力を測るテスト」と感じる。そのため、本当に平等に「話す」「書く」スキルを測れるのか、疑問に思う。



  •  In Japan, many students take mark sheet-style testing called "center test" (so-called "center") for applying national universities and a part of private universities.
  • Conventional "center test" evaluates neither "speaking" nor "writing" skill.
  • However, after 2020 academic year, students' "speaking" and "writing" skills will be additionally evaluated with privately run English tests.
  • Privately run English tests include Eiken, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, and more 4 tests.


  • Not even for every one: regional and economic disparities can impact students' opportunity to take the exams
  • Each privately run English test evaluates different skills in different way. So it cannot be said that each testing's score reflects evenly between each other (???)

【Policy of University of Tokyo】

  • The university requires applicants to have at least A2-level English skills on CEFR scale, but ...
  • ... privately run English tests will not be considered essential to apply the university
  • Admission hopefuls will be able to prove their Enlgish ability by 1. submitting either a private test svore, 2. with an affidavit from their high school declaring the student has at least an A2 level, or 3. if the applicant has neither document, a statement on why may be submitted in their stead.

【Personal opinion】

  • At first I thought it is good news that the new test will include speaking and writing test and they will be evaluated by private test. Since most of Japanese including me cannot write or speak English well, I think we need the opportunity to strengthen those skills
  • However, now I feel ashamed that I couldn't thought of those who cannot take private test
  • Now, after researching, I think it is ideal that universities take measures that offer equal opportunity for all students to take tests evenly, like University of Tokyo.
  • In addition, I have took four private tests (Eiken, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS) and I think they are completely different each other. I wonder each of the score reflects students' skills equally.