

オンライン交際 -Online Dating- 第二稿





Online dating is getting more and more common over the years. Although it is true that online dating is convenient and cost less than in-person dating, it has disadvantages and fatal risks as well. In my personal opinion, dating should be done in person rather than in virtual world.


Rise of social networking services (SNSs) has evolved the ways of communication in recent years. Now, people can socialize with others and even date online with such services. With smartphone or PC and networking connection, these services allow you to contact with your date whenever you want at any place. Moreover, such online dating costs less than face-to-face dating. When you go out on a date with someone in person, you have to pay for coffee at the coffee shop or the cinema tickets at the cinema. On the other hand, in online dating, you can communicate with your date at home without extra costs.


Although online dating may be convenient and beneficial, we must be fully aware of its downsides. Someone who you date with online could be trying to make good use of your personal information they managed to get out of you. Moreover, it is said that the number of criminal cases related to online dating is increasing in recent years all over the world. The victims are injured or even murdered in some cases.


It is true that online dating is convenient in some ways. However, there are risks that such dating may lead us to fatal incidents and we must know the drawbacks. Considering both its benefits and downsides, I personally think dating should take place in person to build long and strong relationships each other.

(277 words)

